Who’s responsible here?  Why you need an SRO on your next project

It should be no surprise, given where I work, but I’ve always loved the old adage, “In God we...

Rugby’s hard hits teach lessons for IT

The score was all tied up at 24-24. France was excited just for the chance to head into extra time...

Veracity Consulting named to 2019 Champions of Business

Veracity Consulting is honored to be named to this year's list of Champions of Business, selected...

Mike Talbot interviewed about distributed ledgers for businesses on The Frontier Podcast

Veracity VP and CTO Mike Talbot was recently interviewed by David "Ledge" Ledgerwood on's ...

The robotic revolution: How RPA is changing work

“I’m craving children nuggets so hard.”

Add speed and service with low-code solutions

Nothing can dampen the Christmas spirit of a child opening a present from Santa—unless that gift...

Local IT company's growing momentum spurs new office move, additional services for clients

Kansas City, Mo.– A new office, a growing list of service lines, new executive leadership—the...

License to trap: The potential pitfalls of cloud software licensing

I’m old enough to remember friends of mine exchanging a CD-ROM of Microsoft Office to use on their...

Knock one out of the park with predictive analytics

When the small-market Oakland Athletics employed “moneyball” to make the American League Division...

The value of digging in to the discovery process

You found the land for your dream house. You’ve chosen the builder and architect. You’ve picked...