Demystifying the Agile Project Methodology

An Agile project methodology can provide numerous benefits, but simply deciding to implement an...

The Right Way to Go Out of the Box with ServiceNow

For those businesses whose processes fitwithin ServiceNow’s out-of-the-box (OOTB) capabilities,...

How to Best Align to ServiceNow’s Out-of-the-Box Functionality

Earlier this spring, I devoted several blog posts talking about when to know you need a custom...

How to Know Whether Your Project is a Go

One of the most stressful points in a project lifecycle happens weeks before anything is actually...

Insights and Takeaways from ServiceNow Knowledge 2023

A handful of Veracity experts were among the 24,000 members of the ServiceNow universe who...

The Power of Process: Success Through Clear Objectives and Flexibility

How a project gets done can have as big or a bigger impact on a business as the fact that it gets...

A Q&A With ChatGPT About the Future of Artificial Intelligence

It feels like we’ve been talking about artificial intelligence (AI) for years, and that’s because...

How to Avoid Testing Regret

If we had tested better, we wouldn’t be in the situation.

Developing an Insurance Firm's Framework for Growth

To ensure that a global insurance company could effectively optimize its investments, Veracity...

Pitfalls to Avoid Before Building a ServiceNow Custom Application

If your business leverages processes that align to the out-of-the-box ServiceNow platform, that’s...